Monday, April 1, 2024

Pisang Raja Superiority

Pisang Raja, also known as Musa Belle, Manzano, or apple bananas, stands as a regal figure in the world of bananas, earning its title from its superior qualities. The vibrant yellow to orange exterior hints at the treasure within. Named 'Raja,' which means 'King,' it reigns supreme as the most popular cooking cultivar.

Its popularity extends to backyard gardens and small plots, thanks to its high resistance to diseases and insects, ensuring a bountiful harvest. Standing between 2.8-3.0 meters tall, the plant's stature reflects its royal status, while its flowering period of 10-11 months heralds the forthcoming bounty. Each bunch, weighing approximately 12-16 kg, is a testament to the abundance it offers.

The Pisang Raja blesses us periodically throughout the summer, with its flowers blooming 10-15 months after planting and the racks ripening in 3-4 months. Its firm and delectable texture, ranging from yellow to orange, delights the senses, with a sweetness level that beckons for more—a perfect balance, scoring a modest 5 on the sweetness scale of 1 to 10.

Renowned for its culinary prowess, Pisang Raja reigns supreme in banana fritters, its flavor and texture elevating the dish to new heights. However, its majesty comes at a cost; while highly sought after, Pisang Raja is a rarity in the market and commands a higher price compared to its counterparts. Yet, for those fortunate enough to savor its splendor, every bite is a taste of royalty.
Pisang Raja Superiority

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